This is a set of revision tasks which takes students through all three acts of the play, looking at characters, the theme of responsibility, younger versus older generation and Priestley’s message.
Activities include match up the quotations to the characters, multiple choice answer quiz on Act One, order the plot for ‘Gerald’s bit’ in Act 2, analyse Mrs Birling’s refusal to accept responsibility for her actions and write on her metaphorical wall, highlight an extract for evidence of the difference between the younger and older generation and match up the statements with the evidence to confirm Priestley’s message.
Copy of An Inspector Calls needed for the Mrs Birling wall task.
A positive view on the consequences of war, through Kathryn Tynan’s poem ‘The Broken Soldier’ and Agnes Herbertson’s 'The Seed Merchant’s son. Aimed at middle to high ability, there is some focus on structure and rhyme, along with general poetic techniques to build towards some analysis.
Example TEAL paragraph given (Technique, Evidence, Analysis & Link to question) before students asked to write their own analytical paragraph. This could be adapted to fit a different structure.
Plenary asks students to compare the two views of war presented in both poems.
There are 3 Q2 style summary questions (English Language Paper 2) that ask pupils to read two short sources linked by a theme and then answer the summary question that follows. The themes are: New York, Australia and UK holidaying and each source for all topics uses perspectives from different centuries. Suitable for upper KS3 and KS4. Please see other mini tasks available.
This booklet uses a variety of extracts (easily available on the internet) which, in some cases have been simplified e.g. the Dickens Great Expectations extract, and short structured comprehension and written tasks that are linked to the extracts. Each extract and set of tasks aim to focus on a particular technique including vocabulary choices, considering connotations, simile, pathetic fallacy, personification. There is also some focus on sentence variety including using lists and varying sentence openers. The final task asks pupils to try to use all the skills covered in the activities. Would suggest aimed at low ability for KS4 students. Easily adaptable.
Two lessons on Mary Robinson’s Gothic Romantic poem about a murderous fisherman shipwrecked on an island. Use of images at the start to predict mood and plot, followed by vocabulary match ups, questions and information related to the first five stanzas, consolidatory activities at the end of each lesson (including writing a message in a bottle) and a bonus extra task.
This is one complete lesson, analysing Malala’s speech to a group of young people at the United Nations Youth Assembly. She is advocating the importance of the right to education. This lesson looks at her background, to put the speech into context, Aristotles 3 modes of persuasion and how Malala uses it, other rhetorical devices used, a BBC article written a year after and then asks students for their own opinion of Malala. Copy of speech included.
Please note: an error has been noted for a slide within MWTL ppt. Now been rectified.
THREE LESSONS plus resources
Assumes students have cold read The Man with the Twisted Lip first. Copy of story included.
Use template to plot out the story using Freytag’s Pyramid. Idea of exposition will be returned to in the lesson. Read 'Opium in Victorian Britain article to learn about the influence of opium at this time. Look at an extract towards the start of the story to analyse how atmosphere is created, particularly with the idea of the opium den setting in mind, followed by a more detailed second extract. Plenary asks students to discuss the effectiveness of the exposition, in the context of Victorian England.
Students given an outline of two scenarios and they should use inference skills to deduce what they think is happening. Tasks then given on an example crime scene with initial tasks. Then, students should apply this understanding to sketching out the crime scene in The Man with the Twisted Lip, using the facts from the story.
Students use inference skills to deduce ideas about Holmes’ character from a given extract. Given a quiz on a set of detective conventions and then asked to match the conventions to the plot of Man with the Twisted Lip. Plenary asks them to think of any modern detective films / stories that also match this pattern.
A range of tasks for KS4 to prepare for Paper 1 and 2. Mainly Section B but one lesson on Paper 2 Q 2 & 3 style questions.
Get £3 off by buying as a bundle.
The intention of this unit is to provide students with some knowledge of how stories originated, came to be written down and how some of those same stories have been retold and developed over time, such as Horowitz’s re-telling of a popular Greek myth, in our unit. Students should understand that there does not have to be one single version of a ‘story.’ Some may have originally been made up to explain mysteries about the world and to enable humans to understand their place within it. Stories are constantly evolving and shaped by their social and historical influences. We can see, for example, that the concept of the Underworld has been around for centuries. Students will study the Underworld described in the Renaissance period by Dante, as a way of teaching his readers to live purer lives on Earth, but we can also enjoy its imaginative appearance in Rick Riordan’s modern ‘Percy Jackson’ tales. We can introduce the concept that, historically, the female figure has been presented as temptress and the cause of human suffering, an idea developed in ‘the Serpent’s Deception’ and Homer’s ‘Odyssey’, or later subverted in Le Morte d’Arthur, where the female is weak and in need of a chivalrous male to save her. We can see stories as a reaction to the beliefs and fears of society at the time. Shelley’s Frankenstein can be interpreted as a reaction to society’s distrust of the advancement of scientific experimentation. Running through all these stories is a series of symbols that capture a society’s values, beliefs and fears. Through the identification of symbolism in these stories, such as the snake in Serpent’s Deception, Daphne & Phoebus and Le Morte d’Arthur, it is hoped that our Y7s can learn to become confident in spotting symbols in future stories they read and have the confidence to critically evaluate the significance of them, in relation to their own contextual experience and a knowledge of literature throughout the ages.
3 x Q2, 2 x Q3 & 3 x Q4 resources. Each task could probably be one lesson worth of revision or you could combine tasks. Each one is a step by step approach to answering the question, with focus on what the question is asking, identifying the best evidence, mind mapping selected quotations and practising a response. Some tasks match against Level 3 of the mark scheme to ensure clarity and so that students can assess their own standard of work. This is exactly what I would need at this point in the year.
. All lessons contain the section referred to in the tasks but, should you need anything further, they are readily available on the internet and AQA website.
Wondering which quotations to set your students to revise for Blood Brothers? Here is a selection, carefully chosen for students to learn and apply to a number of different question possibilities. Each quotation includes a visual prompt to encourage further analysis and aid memory recall. There is also an explanation which highlights key methods (thinking about the play as a drama, in particular) and suggested essay themes. These slides could be printed off and displayed or made into flash cards for revision. Easily editable if you want to change or add anything.
This lesson looks at the important character of Macduff and the theme of loyalty. Using the extract where Macduff discovers King Duncan’s body, students can work through questions that guide them through key ideas. Key quotations from the extract are provided with opportunities for students to analyse them first before being given suggested answers. An example paragraph is provided for the first bullet point of the essay. Then, three key quotations are suggested for the wider play that show Macduff’s loyalty to his country and his family, as well as to the King himself. Students can then write an analytical paragraph on one of the quotations discussed.